Use the tabs above to go to each resource needed to complete your writing assignments. Each page contains links to both library and internet sources that can be used to help you complete your reseach, writing, and bibliographies.
This Guide is like Walmart for writing assignments- quick and easy, all in one place, with an everyday low price! And by low price I mean FREE! All the resources on this Guide are available to you, the Manor College student.
This is not a full research guide (see the links in the box below or click back to our LibGuides page), its more like an outline of some basic sources you will find useful in completing your writing assignments.
Whether your paper is 4 pages or 14, writing a good paper can seem like an overwhelming process. It doesn't have to be, especially with this little handy Guide here.
ProTip: Remember to keep track of your sources! Use Google Docs or in a projects folder in Ebsco or Zotero, you can always go back later and delete them but trying to find them again will be much harder- and time consuming.
Welcome to the Library Read this guide for basic information about using the resources available from Basilieiad Library
Accessing and Searching Databases Use this guide to learn how to login and search library database
Information Literacy and Research Skills A thorough guide to evaluating resources