Zotero is free, easy to use software that helps you save, manage, and cite research sources.
Go to Zotero's website to download and install the program or the plug-in: https://www.zotero.org/
Important tips:
NOTE: this tutorial is done on a Mac, please be aware of the slight differences if you are using a Windows OS.
If you're working on a public computer, there's another easy option for taking your Zotero library with you.
In your local Zotero library, click the Zotero gear menu, choose Export Library, and save the file to your USB drive. On the public computer, click the gear menu, choose Import, and find your Zotero file to import it.
When you're done, make sure to export any changes and import the new file onto your computer. The Library computers will erase your data when you log off.
If you're regularly using more than one computer in your research, Zotero's sync feature can keep your library up to date on all of them. Zotero can store a copy of your library on the Zotero.org server and check it for updates whenever you open your library on a different computer. All your computers must be running the same version of Zotero.
First, set up a free Zotero.org user account.